ICF Consultant
Learning to build with ICF
As ICF becomes more popular there is an increasing need for information and direct experience of working with this particular method of construction.
Want to reach PassiveHaus standards? Our Polybloks and engineering expertise will help you achieve this.
Concept & Detailed Design
1. ICF Experience Needed
If your Architect has not had direct experience in the planning of buildings using ICF you may find that our Services will provide extremely useful benefits.
2. Concept Design
Just send us the drawings, sketches or ideas that you have and we will provide a Proposal to provide a Concept Design of the Structural Layout maximising the benefits that can be provided by ICF wall construction.
3. Quote
When you have approved the Structural Layout, we will provide a quotation for the Polybloks, Litecast beams for the beam and block floors and the Gdeck insulation for the ground floor.
3. Detailed Design
If you accept the quotation we will provide the Detailed Design of the structural elements free of any charge saving the cost of a Structural Engineer.

The Design Team
The Design Team is led by Will Witt and his deputy is Rebecca Witt. They both have extensive experience of the use of ICF in the construction of complex basements housing swimming pools and other leisure facilities such as gyms and games rooms over the last 10 years for both private and commercial Clients.
As the use of ICF has increased over the past few years, projects involving the use of ICF from basements up to the eaves level, on large new multi-storey dwellings have been undertaken.
Between 2002 – 2013 Will Witt was the Managing Director of a swimming pool business carrying out the detailed design and installation of complex indoor and outdoor swimming pool projects in South West France and carried out hundreds of pool projects during this period. Many of these involved novel uses of ICF to provide very economic retaining walls and pool hall walls.
This experience coupled with decades of previous experience in structural engineering provides the Polysteel Design Team with unique qualifications to act as ICF Design Consultants.
Extensive experience of complex ICF Construction projects.
Next Steps…
If you are interested in commissioning the Polysteel Design Team to undertake the Structural Design of your projects just send us the Architects drawings or your sketches and we will provide a fee quotation.
We would prefer that you use Polybloks because they are the best, but if this is not possible, we can still provide the Design Services.
ICF Construction
Call us if you need more detailed information for your ICF project, browse our technical library and FAQs for construction details using Polybloks.